TechWriter Certifications
Technical Communication is often referred to as an “umbrella” profession. It has come of age addressing the diversity of jobs that now rely on technical designers rather than the old tag of “technical writers” to engage in the communication process.
Basic Certificate In Technical Writing (90 Hours)
Self-paced Instructor-led course, 100% online, 4 Months to complete, Begin anytime.
Consists of the following three courses:
Introduction to Technical Writing for Industry
Intermediate Technical Writing
Advanced Technical Writing
Our course of study has been designed for individuals who lack sufficient experience in the field, those who want to enhance existing careers in technical writing or move in a new direction.

XML Structured Authoring for Technical Documentation: Advanced Certificate Course. (30 Hours)
Self-paced Instructor-led course, 100% online, 4 Months to complete, Begin anytime.
By the end of this course, you will:
Learn about structured authoring
Get an overview of XML
Use Syncro oXygen
Create well-formed documents
Create elements, attributes, entitles and comments in XML documents
Validate XML documents with DTDs
Format XML documents with XSLT and XSL-FO
Use XSLT for conditional publishing
Optionally, study XPath and XQuery
Create a final project in XML with oXygen
Our course of study has been designed for individuals who lack sufficient experience in the field, those who want to enhance existing careers in technical writing or move in a new direction.

Comprehensive Career Builder Certificate in Technical Writing
(150 Hours)
Self-paced Instructor-led course, 100% online, 4 Months to complete, Begin anytime.
Consists of the following three courses:
Technical Communication: The Profession, Writing Style, and Format
Technical Reports for Industry, Government, and Business
User Documentation for Technology Products
This is a Career Builder Certificate Course of Study for students serious about advancing
their career in the field of Technical Communication.

Certificate In Writing for Current Technical Writers, Editors
and Designers (90 Hours)
Self-paced Instructor-led course, 100% online, 4 Months to complete, Begin anytime.
Consists of the following three courses:
Technical Communication, an Introduction for Current Technical Writers, Editors and Designers
Intermediate Technical Writing
Advanced Technical Writing
This program has been developed for those already in the field. This course of study
has been designed for those who want to (1) enhance existing careers in technical
writing or (2) move in a new direction within the corporate workplace.

Certificate In Professional Technical Communication/Portfolio
(140 Hours)
Self-paced Instructor-Led course, 100% online, 3 Months to complete, Begin anytime
Types of Documents include:
Build an expansive portfolio
Proposals: persuasion, using data to make an argument, developing abstracts
Data Reports: presenting data visually, writing with parallel structure
Scientific Research: using citations, making abstracts concise
How-To Guides: doing task analysis, working with lists
Instructional Material: developing sample scenarios, monitoring user performance
Articles: including real-world examples, being conversational with dense content
This Professional Technical Communication Certificate is designed to help new and existing writers work within a range of styles specific to the field of technical writing. This program focuses on advancing the writing styles and competencies needed to create technical written reports, project proposals, feasibility studies, website communications, presentations, manuals, and other forms of technical correspondence. A well-rounded technical writer should have knowledge and writing experience across these areas.

Writers at Work Certificate Program (40 Hours)
Self-paced Instructor-led course, 100% online, 4 Months to complete, Begin anytime.
By the end of this course, you will:
Identify and correct common errors in grammar and punctuation
Revise ineffective sentences and generate clear and concise writing
Write clear, effective, and professional email messages that get your reader's attention
Understand a writing process to use when creating any document
Organize your ideas clearly
Connect words and ideas effectively using transitions, connectives, parallelism, and other strategies
Use specific techniques to adapt the tone of a document
Incorporate basic design elements to create visually appealing documents
Proofread, edit, and revise documents more effectively
The Writers at Work Certificate Program consists of four 10-hour courses that will allow busy professionals a flexible path toward learning valuable writing techniques.

Stand Alone Courses