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XML Structured Authoring for Technical Documentation:
Advanced Certificate Course. (30 Hours)
Self-paced Course, 100% Online, 6 weeks to Complete, Begin Anytime
The field of technical writing has come a long way from just being able to write clearly and concisely
using a keyboard into a new world of structured writing and content management. Documents are no
longer written and published as individual entities within a documentation set but rather written as
data segments for reuse on systems that automate processes for controlling and managing the segments.
Information is no longer published as a document solely for paper output, but for electronic access on PCs,
cell phones, and other handheld devices. This means that the technical writer today must be familiar
with the solutions that employ the features of structured writing for reuse, and the latest standard
approaches for segmenting and storing information for output to multiple types of formats and
access on different devices.
By the end of this course, you will:
Know how to interpret a DTD (document type definition).
Use XMetaL as an authoring tool.
Segment your data for maximum use and reuse among a documentation set.
Use XML to tag your data.
Learn about and use the DITA (Darwin Information Type Architecture) standard.
Become familiar with the current trends in technical writing in addition to DITA; the S1000D standard, use of IETMs and CMS.
Our course of study has been designed for individuals who lack sufficient experience in the field, those who want to enhance existing careers in technical writing or move in a new direction.